Sunday, May 29, 2011

the fame game

Last year, Beth & I started making this really awesome quilt called "sexy hexy". We finished our quilt tops last summer and they resided in a closet until now (I'm ashamed to say). But we have ambition in full force to cross that finish line. And honestly, the quilts are ADORABLE and we can't wait to use them out & about this summer at various activities.

Well, we are going to try to do the actual quilting ourselves, so the other day we started a google search to look for tips. Not long into browsing pictures, Beth said, "hey wait, go back!" And then we saw it - this total gem of a picture.

I know it's kind of hard to see, but if you go down to the second row, third image in from the left, you'll see us.

There we are: me, gram & Beth in all our glory.

We could not stop laughing!

Who knew that being google famous could be so fun.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

thrifty thursday

I had a golden time at the DI this week.

First, I found a butterfly gold print Pyrex. I already have some of this pattern, but I can never have enough!

Then I bought these gold shoes. I almost didn't get them, but they were an automatic win once I put them on. They are so comfortable, it feels like you are walking on a mattress! And I'm pretty sure they have never been worn.

I think this brand came from Sears - gotta love it!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

thrifty thursday

Want to know a secret?

It's really 12:43 a.m., but I'm pretending to post this earlier (i.e. 11:56 p.m.) so it counts as "Thursday" since I missed posting last week. I just got back from babysitting and didn't think I would be gone so long, so I had to cheat.

I found this great blue skirt at the DI recently (sorry for the poor picture quality). I love it because a) it is super cute & was only $2, and b) it's the perfect length - no need for hemming. score!

I also made this easy skirt. Elastic waistband skirts are my new look for the summer. Not only are they a breeze to make and wear (so breathable), but they are cheap, cover everything they need to (woo hoo - cute shorts that are long enough can be so hard to find!), and I'm obsessed with making them. Nothing to do and no one to hang out with? No sweat! I have a date with my sewing machine and make a new skirt.

Now I'm off to the land of nod. I took care of Margaret last night and didn't rest well at all. The combination of weird noises from the rain and Margaret talking in her sleep had me waking up in a sweat thinking that people were breaking & entering all night! It's stressful to be "the protector" of the house. Good thing I have my self-defense skills I learned from a class at BYU - who needs a man when you have me!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

1-2-3, oops

1) buy a bunch of junk food from the hospital cafeteria at one in the morning.

2) eat your heart out all night long.

3) really wish you had also gotten nachos.

I don't know what happened to me on my graveyard shift last night, but I was an eating machine! Most of the time I go all night without eating anything, but last night was a different story. I couldn't get enough. Gross!

I gave away one pack of the m&m's. Does that make up for it?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

pure kindness

I couldn't figure out how to load two videos onto one post, so here's another one.

I bawled all three times I watched this video. What Christ-like love this boy, Spencer, exemplifies. I can only hope that my kids show half the kindness to others as he does.


Isn't this boy adorable? I can't stop watching this fun video.
I want to go to his lemonade stand this summer.

I just wish he would put a helmet on that cute noggin of his!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

thrifty thursday

The thrift store was good to me this week! Even though I am still going strong in a Pyrex drought, I managed to find some really exciting things.

First up are these brand new Sorel boots. Never been worn! They are for g baby when he gets bigger. I definitely couldn't leave these on the rack - they were only $4.

Then I got lost in the wonderful world of OshKosh. I want to slowly start collecting fun clothes for my future kids.

Isn't this dress darling?

And I love these overalls. I am pretty sure I wore some that were nearly identical when I was a little girl.

I saved best for last! Can you stand this airplane outfit?? I almost fainted when I saw it!! It is also brand new, with tags. I really hope that I have a plump, rollie pollie baby who can crawl around in this.

Happy cinco de mayo! Go eat some yummy Mexican food today!