You may or may not have noticed that I didn't have a Thrifty Thursday post this week. Missing things like that just about kills me - I am really determined and like maintaining a routine.
But this Thursday I had way more important things to worry about than what I found at the thrift store.
Namely, my gram.

See what I wrote on November 4th? Worst day ever. And it was. After coming home from work, my mom called and I knew immediately it wasn't good news. We've all been worrying about my gram and her latest health issues (an annoying blood clot and an undiagnosed mass in her groin).
It turns out that lousy mass is cancer.
I crumbled like a bad cookie when I found out. All I could do was sob and state over and over that it wasn't fair & it wasn't what I wanted.
I was so looking forward to her coming home and picking up right where we left off. With sewing lessons, errands around town, chit chats, and me walking into the bathroom to see her in her tighty whiteys in the morning (am I terrible or what, but she is just so darn cute - I have to soak up every opportunity!)
We just don't have time for bothersome things like cancer.
I've had a lot of really big cries over the past few days. And I've felt really sorry for my gram and bummed over the situation. But my family keeps telling me we have to stay positive so that gram can be positive, too.
I decided the best way I could help myself feel distracted was to put together a little care package for her. I knew it had to include a treat, a silly book, and something I made.
My sister and I had been talking about
sock monkeys and I thought that would be just the thing gram needed. I had a total ball making this little guy. What a classic, fun & cheerful toy. His name is Spunk, because my gram has a lot of it.
See the heart button? That's where the mass is - in her left groin. We'll just send the mass packing and replace it with a heart band-aid.
I petitioned my Facebook friends to share the funniest children's book they knew of. I got so many good suggestions, but after searching online for a little while, I found one that couldn't have been more perfect. If there ever was a book written just for gram, this is the one.
So imagine my delight when I found The Gas We Pass. It is downright hilarious. (I always tease gram about how she passes gas, and it increases exponentially when she is around fabric because she gets so excited). I called every bookstore in the city and no one had any in stock. I found a copy at the library and basically told them that I was going to "lose" the book and pay the fine. But luckily I stumbled upon the only copy available for purchase in Salt Lake City. It was a win-win because now the library kids won't miss out on this gem and my gram will get a good laugh.

Gram is only 85 and her blood runs thick with German strength. She has way too much life left and I have a list that will take us at least 20 years to get through, so we're set that way. I am looking forward to all the fun memories coming our way - passing gas and all.