my post about Christmas wishes?
Two people who are near & dear to me knew how very much I wanted (and still want!) my gram to come back to SLC. They also knew how that wasn't even close to an option right now, so they brought part of my gram to me.
My cousin Annie painted gram's portrait, and I love it. I totally cried when I opened it. I feel so lucky to have an original piece of artwork and I know that Annie put a lot of time and effort into making it. She even painted the frame gram's favorite color, yellow. It is truly such a treasured piece.

My friend Wrandi is the absolute sweetest. She found this antique cabinet that holds spools of thread. She had her dad help her restore and varnish it, and then she contacted my mom to have her send pictures of me with my gram. Talk about another labor of love. I was so overwhelmed with how thoughtful it was.
I am so thankful for such wonderful friends and family who know just how to lift my spirits during hard times. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Guess what?? I get to see my gram today! Hip, hip hooray! I am so ready to get on that plane and head east to see her. I know this visit will be a little different because gram isn't feeling up for much of anything but sleeping, and that is just fine with me. I don't care what we do as long as I'm in the same room as her. I just have to put on a braver than brave face. Yesterday I drove from Salt Lake to Provo to almost Layton and back by myself, so I had a lot of time to reflect on gram and let myself cry. I definitely cannot let the tears flow when I'm with her. Maybe I should just stay dehydrated all week. (jk).
I never wanted to be a cheerleader in high school, but I am happily going to assume that role this week. Positive is my new middle name.
See you soon, gram!
Thrifty Thursday is taking a vacation with me and will be back next week.