Happy Easter!
I had the biggest bummer of an experience today. I worked three night shifts in a row & went to bed this morning with the intention of only sleeping for 3 hours and then getting up for church.
Well, 4.5 hours later, I woke up in a frenzy, realizing I had slept through my alarm, missed church, and missed seeing my favorite kids all dressed up for Easter.
What a tragedy! I was so mad!
I immediately picked up my phone and called the kids' mom almost in tears and told her how sad I was to miss out. I talked with Ben, my bow tie boy, and told him he should put his bow tie back on and come on over. He was so cute and asked me if he should put on all his church clothes or just wear the bow tie with the t-shirt he had on. How adorable! Then Grace wanted in on the fun, and changed into her Easter dress.
They both showed up to my house minutes later all dressed up in their Easter Sunday best! It really helped turn my frown upside down!
Next year I won't be such an idiot to sleep through it all. Worst mistake of the week!
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