Thursday, April 7, 2011

thrifty thursday

I spotted this contraption and had no idea what it was, I knew it was Tupperware & it was only $1, so it bought it! When I was checking out, the young cashier told me it was a good find and reminded him of his grandma who had one. Guess what it is? A pickle strainer - a good idea, in my opinion (even though I don't like pickles, but it's useful for those who do!). Unfortunately, this should have a lid. Finding things without lids is becoming a common theme for me.

Then I found these cuties. The middle canister came with a lid, but it was cracked in half and had to be tossed.

When my dad saw all this Tupperware emerging from the dishwasher, he said, "oh no, please just hide it somewhere". Poor guy. He does have a point, I probably do need to cut back on some of my treasures, but I just can't help it!

At least these fit nicely in a 3-in-1 storage package.

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