Sometimes I feel really silly doing this regular Thrifty Thursday post because there are honestly way more important things to write about. But I do love traditions, and I do love being thrifty, so onward we go!
I went to the DI today and just about found nothing, except for one little treasure.
Once Upon a Potty.

image via
Do you remember this book?
I always wanted a copy of my own when I was little and I remember looking at it all the time when we'd go to the bookstore. I would sit there all wide-eyed just snickering. It is such a classic.
I'm sending it to my gram for part of her Christmas present. I guess you could say that we are continuing with the potty theme (remember I gave her The Gas We Pass?), but I know she will get a kick out of reading about Prudence and her adventures on the potty.
My gram had her first round of chemo today. It went well, but they say she will start to feel yucky in about 8-10 days (boo). I went to an event yesterday where everyone was wearing name tags. A lady whose name is Shirley walked past and I cried when I saw her name tag. (That's my gram's name). Darn all those miles between here and Vermont! I am hoping to go visit gram in January when things are more settled.
I don't think I've been so anxious to get on a plane in all my life. Let the countdown begin!
we were in bookstores all the time and you never told me you wanted this book! i would have bought it for you in a second! you should not keep secrets from your mom!