I found two pink Tupperware trays (I love lunch trays) and a red mug at a Goodwill store in Vermont. I was pretty happy with these finds!

My mom and I got back from Vermont late last night. We had such a fun time. I was not so thrilled to wake up this morning and have a break in the routine that's been mine for the past 5 days.
I really miss this lady. Every morning I would go up to her room, help her finish getting ready & give her a Lovenox shot, eat breakfast together, and chat. Somehow waking up next to a pillow is just not the same!
And my uncle Mike. He always looks so sharp in a bow tie, and he works SOO hard. I always have a blast with him. And holy cow, you should see all the Pyrex he found for me!!
My cousin Majken, and eating at the restaurant with family (with killer views overlooking Lake Champlain!)
My aunt Susan and uncle Paul. There is non-stop joking and laughing with these two around.
Eating at gram's favorite sandwich shop. She is all done with her chemo & radiation now, and is doing world's better than the last time I saw her in January. That dumb chemo nearly killed her, so to see her make such vast improvements makes me feel really grateful. Keep fighting hard, gram!
Gram is a sewing whiz and everything she makes is complete perfection. She is famous for making "joy" banners. I have one made out of Christmas fabric from her, and have been asking for one made out of regular fabric to display for the rest of the year. While I was there, we made a joy banner together. It is something I will always keep & hold near to my heart!
I hand-stitched the straight parts of the binding, but when it came to tacking down the corners, I always let gram do that part. She is such a good teacher, and I have so much to learn from her. I could see the delight on her face when she would show me how to properly stitch a corner. She was so into it, there's no way I would have tried to stitch the corners myself and miss out on the experience of watching her be so thrilled to instruct me.
Here's the finished product!
I also found some items that I really wanted to take home with me:
My mom I went to the library and I fell in love with this yellow library cart.
And these plastic chairs, including the bigger, squash-colored one.
This bright blue postcard rack is something I really wanted. It was sitting outside with a bunch of other junk that is always left outside, even when the store is closed. I figure this rack must be pretty durable, as it has weathered the outdoor elements all winter long. Unfortunately, the store was closed so I don't even know how much this cost, but I have to say that I was very tempted to snatch this up. Too bad the store was closed, and too bad the rack would be awkward to ship.

Lastly, I found a dream home when my uncle and I were out on a drive. I drove right past this house without even taking a second look at it. My uncle pointed out the window and said, "oh, that's an old schoolhouse for sale". I was driving and immediately put on the brakes (my uncle was fearing for his life at this point, as I quickly reversed back up a hill). We got out and peered inside all the windows. From what I could tell, this place was adorable. We saw an old cellar, really cool fireplaces, and my favorite feature of all - the chalkboards were still on the wall in the living room! It was absolutely charming. We looked it up on the Internet when we got home. This place is a mere $179, 900. What a steal!
I can't wait to go back to Vermont this summer!