image via hoglezoo.org
I really wanted to give her tickets to the Hogle Zoo for a date with her future hubby. That's what I'd want to do if I had a boy.
But let me tell you, it was no easy task getting the tickets. And it was totally my fault. That's what I get for picking up a present two hours before the event.
I got to the zoo at 5:15 and discovered that the entrance closes at 5:00. Which means that no one was in the ticket office. Shoot!
Thankfully, there were three people who saved the day.
1) the nicest zoo goer who opened the locked gift shop door for me and said, "come on in for free".
2) the gift shop cashier who pointed me to the right building and told me who to look for.
3) the kind zoo employee who came out of the office to sell tickets to me.
I felt a little guilty walking around for those few minutes without having paid.
But I am so thankful to the three people who saved me from standing on the other side of the gate in a puddle of tears.
That is a cute idea! We should go sometime even though G is very little. We would still have fun!