Wednesday, August 18, 2010

midnight snack

My liking for BYU is only very superficial (i.e. barely there).

But I must say that I have to hand it to them when it comes to one thing:

brownie making.

Heaven help me, I love BYU brownies!

My mom went down to Education Week today and I only had one request, you know, besides finding a nerdy boyfriend for me. I kid.

"Please bring home a BYU brownie!" That she did. One regular and one mint.

I read in the Deseret News that BYU will go through 8000 dozen this week alone. I am more than happy to help in that cause.

Sorry about the dreadful picture quality, but the snapshot couldn't wait.

I may or may not have eaten one of these for a midnight snack after the Dave Matthews concert tonight.

I was only half naughty though, right? I am saving the other one for breakfast.

And I'm sure I'll dream about it all night. Yum.

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