Today was super duper busy, but loads of fun.
It started out with sleeping in. I haven't been able to sleep in really all summer, so this was the best present I could give myself, especially since I have fallen asleep on the couch the past two nights in a row.
Next I went to babysit g baby. I was a lucky duck because I was the first person to be able to watch him with his mom away. Granted we were still in the same building as her, but g baby sure loved his adventure with aunt Julia! He was such a cutie pie the whole time!

Here we are in the locker room. I have magical abilities because g baby has a bowel movement every time I hold him. I'm not joking. The boy poops within the first 10 minutes of being in my arms!
Sure enough, it happened again today. There were no changing tables around, so we made the bench work. g baby and I were pretty proud after. We made a great diaper changing team!
I bought an iPhone today. I am LOVING it!
The day's grand finale included a date out with my favorite kiddos in the entire world. I have been tending them for almost half my life. I started when I was 12 and now their oldest is almost 15 - three years older than I was when I first began watching them. How does time fly so fast?!
One thing I love about being with them is that the three youngest call me Juju. It all started when the middle child wasn't able to pronounce Julia and coined the new name. Then when the last two kids came along, they thought my real name was Juju. It melts my heart when I hear them call me Juju (which happens a trillion times an hour). Now we have a pact that in order to call me by my real name, they have to be 25.
Good thing I still have over a decade to be called Juju. I don't think I can handle the change!
They are the little siblings I never had and I'm their "older sister" or "mom" when I watch them for days at a time if their parents are out of town. This new phase with them is truly hilarious. From older elementary school years to going through puberty - we are always laughing, cracking jokes, and having so much fun together.
Since we're outnumbered, the two girls always have to stick together!
We stopped for treats at Dan's after dinner. I totally know how my mom felt trying to get us to cooperate in pictures when we were younger. It is no easy task! But they are such posers. I love them to pieces!

Now I am off to bed. I am feeling totally sick with allergies and a headache.
This day has come full circle: starting out with sleeping and ending in the same place.
thanks for watching G! I think he had a blast with you! You're going to make a good mama one day!